
In 1975 we purchased 5½ acres of undeveloped land close to town but still "in the bush" with dreams of building a self sufficient homestead.  Over the years we have taken a circuitous route to reach that dream and we are still trying.

We originally had to travel down on old logging road built in the 1890's to reach our acreage.  It was definitely hard to come by!

The property had been homesteaded before the second war.  The only remnant we found was an old hand dug well.  Our first project was to clean and crib it. We then had to decide what to build for a house.

We had wanted to build a geodesic dome but our only tools were a hammer, Swede saw, sharpened shovel (for peeling logs) and a butcher knife.  We didn't have electricity so we decided to build a hexagon instead.  We had never built anything before so I made a cardboard model and we plunged ahead.

We cut saplings for framing material.  Flooring, roof shakes and exterior sheathing were salvaged.  Windows were from garage sales, auctions and the dump.

It was definitely a learning experience!

We moved in on February 14th, 1976.  Our house had cost us $500.  For the next 6 years we lived without electricity, telephone or running water.  As the years progressed rooms were added as needed to accommodate accumulated furniture and the need for space.  We added a bedroom in 1977 (the lean-to on the right side of the house).

In 1978 we built a workshop - later to be converted to our B & B cabin.

In the early 80's we put in power and a telephone which meant building a better road for the power poles. We had a well drilled so added a bathroom in 1986 and a living room in 1987.

An ample supply of water allowed us to develop our garden.  We were able to restore two original apple trees and planted grapes, walnuts, hazelnuts, raspberries, strawberries, tayberries, red and black currants, gooseberries, blueberries, apricot, cherries, pear, fig and herb and vegetable gardens.

In 1995 we felt we wanted to share the beauty of what we had created so began renovations on the old workshop.  We added a bathroom and front porch, scrubbed and painted the interior and transformed it into our bed & breakfast.  We opened Hard To Come By Bed & Breakfast on Labour Day 1995.


The interior of the guest cabin

In 2006 we spent 3½ months driving across Canada.  On our return we decided it was time to close the bed & breakfast.  We have met many wonderful people and are thankful for the experience.

In March of 2012 we were fortunate to purchase the 5½ acres next to us, a beautiful piece of property that we will leave in it's natural state.   

©2025 Ken McMillan
As a courtesy please contact Ken McMillan before
using any material on this website